Director of Power Energy Innovation Lab Heading link

Dr. Lina He
Assistant Professor
Director of Power Energy Innovation Lab
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, the University of Illinois at Chicago
Office: Room 1117, Sciences and Engineering Offices (SEO)
Phone: 001 (312) 996-3085
Dr. Lina He is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), Chicago, IL. She received her Ph.D. degree from the University College Dublin, Ireland in 2014 under the supervision of Professor Chen-Ching Liu (Member of the National Academy of Engineering, IEEE Life Fellow). She also received her Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China in 2009 and 2007, respectively. Before joining UIC, she served as a Senior Consultant and Project Manager at Siemens headquarters in Germany and Siemens US for 4 years.
Dr. He has over 20 years of academic and industrial experience in renewable energy integration, including solar and wind. Since joining UIC in 2018, she has held key leadership roles as Team Lead PI/PI in major federal projects. Her efforts have successfully secured $6.1 million from federal agencies and industry partners, including the DOE, DOD, ComEd, GE, Siemens, AES, SEL, Ørsted, Eversource Energy, S&C Electric, ISO-New England, NREL, CAISO, EPRI, and PJM, contributing to projects valued at over $121 million. Additionally, she served as a Task Lead on “TWENTIES,” one of the largest European renewable energy integration projects, funded by the European Commission’s FP7-ENERGY program, with a total budget of €56.8 million. (
Dr. He received the “Distinguished Senior R&D Award” from the IEEE Chicago Section and the “Outstanding Engineer Award” from the IEEE PES Chicago Chapter, both in 2022. She also received the “Best Paper Award” at the IEEE PES General Meetings in 2024 and 2016. In addition, Dr. He serves as the TCPC and Vice-Chair of the Distribution System Operation and Planning Subcommittee of the IEEE Power & Energy Society. She is also the Founding Chair of the Taskforce on “Control and Operation of DERs” and a Regional Representative on the IEEE PES Women in Power Committee.
Dr. He is an Associate Editor of several leading journals, including the IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, the IEEE Power Engineering Letters, the IEEE Open Journal of Power Electronics, and the International Journal of Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems. She holds two patents on power electronics-based self-shunt excitation systems. Dr. He’s research interests include modeling, control, protection, and security of power electronics-based power systems, renewable energy integration, HVDC control and operation, PMUs, and wide-area protection and cybersecurity. She is a Senior Member of IEEE.