Grant List
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- UIC Sole PI, “Demonstrate a Community-Oriented Interoperable Control Framework Aggregating and Integrating DERs and Other Grid-edge Devices,” funded by DOE Grid Deployment Office (GDO), funded by DOE, 2024. Link:
- Team Lead PI, “Enabling 100% Renewable Energy Integration: Creativity-based Co-design and Demonstration of Intelligent Modeling, Protection, and Grid-edge Control of Bulk Power Systems (RENEWS),” funded by DOE SETO and WETO, 2024. Link:
- Team Lead PI, “Enabling Ultra-Scale Offshore Wind Integration into Northeastern Power Grids,” under the Innovation in Offshore Wind Solicitation 2.0 of the National Offshore Wind Research and Development Consortium (NOWRDC), funded by Ørsted and Eversource Energy, 2021.
- UIC PI, “Enabling Reliable Ultra-Scale Offshore Wind Energy Integration into New York Power Grids,” funded by Ørsted and Eversource Energy, 2021.
- Co-PI, “Real-Time-Simulation and Hardware-in-the-Loop (RTS-HIL) Scalable and Flexible Software/Hardware Platform for Emerging DOD R&D Needs,” funded by DOD, 2020.